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*** Many things in browsers and operating systems have changed since this map was first created using Flash Player. ***
(Plash Player is no longer operational and we are working on another interactive map. 
We will deliver it to the site as soon as possible... for now, just the still-life– we thank you for your patience and the site visitation.)

OLD Point of Light map


The above map is interative with your cursor... use the ledger below as a navigational guide.
Map Circle-Ledger

   Add your Light of Hope/Name to the Map send us the information below in an Email :
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   Change for the Children — Click for Facebook Group
Click for the Peace in Space Web PageClck for Dr Calleman's Web PageClck for PYP's Web SiteClck for the PEACE Web Page

click for Bridge to Peace Meditation Page


click fo Partners in Peace page 2    click for Partners in Peace page 1    click for Partners in Peace page 3


click for Bridge to Peace Project info


The Bridge To Peace Project 1 & 2 is an experiment of expressed intention and focus that we hope all will join. In our rapidly changing world all can benefit from outward harmony and inner peace. (Page 2 was created to explain the purpose and connection between the map of World Peacemakers, the Living Knowledge Page, and the Partners in Peace Pages.)

To focus intention we have brought forth several web-pages with graphics and words to clarify this harmonious peace process. Just above are the graphics that when rolled-over by your pointer, provide the connection links.

It has been wisely said:
"When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below...".

Our ‘experiment’ involves employing our associate Dr. Carl Johan Calleman’s theory, which states there is a universal generator driving evolution that he calls the Cosmic Tree of Life. According to Dr. Calleman the Cosmic Tree of Life is reflected in every cell of our bodies by a miniature tree of life.

Experiment may not be the word that exactly describes what is going on now. The Universe is affording us an opportunity to participate in an evolutionary jump that will take place in the very near future. We have been offered a ticket on that train, so to speak. That ticket is acquired by being the energy consciousness that allows you through the gate to receive it.

The Bridge To Peace Project Thanks You for your Energy & Support
The 11-11-11 Deeper Purpose for PEACE Page The RWS-ARCANAs  Tarot GATEWAYS viewing page -KTI- Books & Cards Page